The task manager on the sked project page at SourceForge lists many things that will eventually need to be done.
The coding tasks are too numerous and change too rapidly to be listed here. First, get yourself a copy of Sked. Then check the task manager. Pick something that looks appealing to you and start coding! When you are satisfied, post a patch to the mailing list and see what people say. Repeat until Sked is perfect in every way.
Sked needs documentation. Sked needs documentation! Sked needs documentation! Someone needs to write this documentation. If you have good natural language skills, then this is a good place to help. Write a user's manual. Write a paper detailing the workings of the recurrence engine (kinda difficult, since it hasn't even been designed yet).
We are looking for someone to maintain the web site. This involves design of the overall structure as well as making releases and documentation available, and basic maintainance such as fixing broken links, etc.
Eventually it would also be nice to put the web site under CVS. If anyone has experience with this, please speak up!
The Sked home page is here.
You can send email to the developers by using the mailing list. Its address is
Last modified Thursday, 04-Jan-2001 10:59:52 UTC.